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Why Can’t I See God?

This album of 20 original songs can be used as a teaching aid and will help children (and adults) think systematically about the major themes of the Bible: Creation, the Nature and Character of God, the Bible, the Covenant, Sin and the Fall, Salvation, Jesus Christ, and the Christian Life. Those of you who are familiar with the Westminster Catechism will particularly appreciate these songs.

When our children were very young, my husband Wayne suggested that I consider writing songs for children based on the Westminster Children’s & Shorter Catechisms. Although I had played the guitar and sung for years, I had never written songs before; how could I possibly accomplish this? I soon realized that God was working through my husband’s deep concern for our little ones and children everywhere to have music that would melodically teach the great and all-encompassing truths of God’s Word, and by His grace, He enabled us to produce this recording of 20 songs! In 1983, we went into the recording studio with my guitar and 20 children from the Chalcedon Presbyterian Church in Dunwoody, Georgia. Although our budget was incredibly small, Why Can’t I See God? has ministered to thousands of children and families all over the world. Now, 40 years later, Judy Rogers Music has produced 8 recordings for children, teens and adults and God continues to bless this music to the hearts of many both here and abroad!” — Judy Rogers

Why Can’t I See God? CD


Why Can’t I See God? – Album Download


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