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Stand Up

“Stand Up” is a thought-provoking album by talented Christian artist Judy Rogers. The album features a collection of songs that encourage young people to stand up for their faith and live boldly in a world that can sometimes be hostile to their beliefs. With catchy melodies and poignant lyrics, the songs on “Stand Up” address topics like peer pressure, obeying God, and standing for your faith. Rodgers’ beautiful voice and skilled musicianship make this album a joy to listen to, but it’s the powerful messages that make it a truly valuable resource for Christians of all ages.

“How much contemporary Christian music would both a 17-year-old and a 56-year-old parent enjoy? Not much I’m sure – but ‘Stand Up!’ is one we both appreciate. The words are good and are sung in an upbeat manner that young people enjoy.”

Stand Up CD


Stand Up – Album Download


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