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Consider God’s Critters!

These songs are based on the lessons and truths the Word of God teaches children, from observing animals.

The Scriptures tell us that the heavens declare the glory of God, and that even from the ant we can learn to be diligent and not like a sluggard.  Further, it’s clear that humanity, the unique creation of God, are men and woman made in His image. Help your children  grow in a healthy worldview about the creation, themselves, and the glory of God seen in all His works through these delightful songs from Judy Rogers.

DEDICATION:  I sang these songs to my daddy, Cly “Papa C” Belcher, and he so loved them! Every time I produced a new recording, he would always say “I want to buy the first CD!”  In February 2015, at the age of 90, he went home to glory so mama got the first CD out of the box this time in his honor!  I hereby dedicate this music to his dear memory and to my mama, Anita, with humble gratitude for their prayers, support, and loving encouragement throughout my musical journey.”  — Judy Rogers

Consider God’s Critters! CD


Consider God’s Critters! – Album Download


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Sample tracks are partial versions of the original files.
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